Today marks the release of an updated template designed to assist schools in reporting their Primary PE and sport premium funding.
For maintained schools, as well as those undergoing the transition to academies, it is imperative to publish information regarding the effective and sustainable utilisation of the Primary PE and sport premium funding on their respective websites. The deadline for reporting for the current academic year is set for the 31st of July 2024. However, we strongly encourage schools to keep this information regularly updated.
To access the template, please click one of the following buttons:
For the PDF version:
[button text=”Click me To download!” letter_case=”lowercase” icon=”icon-angle-right” link=”/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-sport-premium-Template-2024-Final.pdf” target=”_blank”]
For the Word format:
[button text=”Click me To download!” letter_case=”lowercase” icon=”icon-angle-right” link=”/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-sport-premium-Template-2024-Final.docx” target=”_blank”]