Tennis Equipment
A guide to Tennis, written in 1553, claimed that ‘this game has been created for a good purpose, namely, to keep our bodies healthy, to make our young men stronger and more robust, chasing idleness, virtue’s mortal enemy, far from them and thus making them of a stronger and more excellent nature’. Read More
Nowadays, Tennis is a game that can be played and enjoyed by everyone, not just ‘our young men’!
Tennis can indeed make you ‘stronger and more robust’ and you certainly cannot be idle whilst racing round a court! As for giving players a ‘more excellent nature’… well, the fitness benefits, sense of purpose through competition and friendlies, plus social interaction opportunities…all this can indeed improve well-being too!
So, time to get into your Wimbledon zone and take a look at all the racquets, balls, nets, posts and accessories we have available to bring out the pro in your game!