Whatever your age, you will probably have come across the balance bench at some time in your school career! It’s almost a rite of passage – jumping on, jumping off, stand on one leg, follow the leader, star jumps…and, of course, working with your partner to put them away safely at the end of the lesson! Read More
With this amount of use and being a core piece of equipment for so many lessons, we are very focussed on supplying you with expertly crafted, totally stable and structurally-sound benches. Not only are our benches smart to look at – be they aluminium or wooden – but they have extra details such as hooks, slip feet and upholstered tops to add that vital extra bit of safety, adaptability and comfort. Which type suits your needs?
School PE & Balance Benches
Our wooden balance benches are expertly crafted by skilled, time-tested craftsmen from selected kiln-dried pine with each bench leg jointed into both the bench top and the bench foot. The balance rail is dovetail jointed to the leg, producing a stable, structurally sound bench. Hardwood fillets in the bench top prevent splitting. We also offer a fantastic range of lightweight aluminium balance benches with protective padding.