Author Archives: Admin

Climbing wall safety

The construction of bouldering and climbing walls should meet the requirements of the standards EN 12572:1 [...]

Safety surfaces for climbing & bouldering walls

Injury from falls is increased where inadequate safety surfaces are installed, or technique is poor. [...]

What footwear is suitable for gymnastics and dance activities in schools

In gymnastics and dance, barefoot work is safest, whether on the floor or apparatus, because the [...]

How to safely plan sports floor areas and pitch or court sizes

Staff need to consider how a specific sports activity can be presented in order to [...]

This year we celebrate our 25th anniversary

In 2022 we celebrate our 25th anniversary, and we commemorate this by saying thank you [...]

Fitness Suite Safety in Schools

A fitness suite is a high-risk environment. Depending on the size of the facility, staff [...]