Staff need to consider how a specific sports activity can be presented in order to allow safe movement for all students in the working area. On occasions, it might be necessary to “condition” the rules or organisation of game activities to make safe use of restricted space or the space available.
Sports Halls
In sports halls, the space required for games depends on the standard of play – the higher the standard, the larger the space needed due to greater run-off areas and clearance heights. Where halls are divided into sections using division curtains or netting, thought needs to be given to appropriate shared use. Netting should not foul footing at any time.
Gymnastics generally requires more space per student than dance in order to allow for safe movement and the use of apparatus. Historically, approximately eight square metres per student was the standard for a then-typical class size of 30 in a typical secondary school gymnasium where a range of activities would be taught. Gymnastics activities and apparatus arrangements will need to be planned and adapted carefully if less space is available.
Dance Studios
The amount of floor area required for safe practical work indoors depends on the number of participants taking part, their age and mobility, and the type of activity planned. One Dance UK recommends a minimum of three square metres per student for primary dance and five square metres per student for secondary dance. Some styles and types of dance require limited movement, while others require significant freedom to move. Without sufficient space, variation in choreography or style may be necessary. For more advice and information regarding dance activities visit One Dance UK.
Sportsafe is proud to be the leading expert in the supply, installation and refurbishment of indoor sports flooring and fitness suite flooring.
Fitness Suites
Care should be taken when planning the layout of fitness rooms. We have put together a specific checklist to help you plan the layout of a fitness room for your students or staff. Whether you know what type of gym flooring you want or have already decided on a specific look, you’ll find what you need with Sportsafe. At the top of our game, our fitness flooring is second to none. Explore our fantastic range of tiles, roll and turf and see which is your best fit.
Outdoor Courts & Pitches
Pitches and courts should be suitable in size for the ages and abilities of those using them. There should be a suitable distance between the playing area and the perimeter of the working space in which it is located, particularly if other students are working in adjacent areas. The distance between the playing surface and features such as boundary fences, roads and windows must be sufficient to avoid accident or injury, and the directions of play should account for this. Proximity to hazardous fixtures and fittings should be avoided. When using courts for net games, there should be sufficient space on the court to accommodate group practice and to avoid students playing over post bases. Reference should be made to Sport England.
Sportsafe specialises in surfacing solutions for both sports and play to allow you to cater for a wide range of activities across your outdoor facilities.